


Publications - 26/07/21

São Paulo City Hall offers benefits for debt settlement (PPI 2021)

With the enactment of Law n. 17,557/21 and Decree n. 60,357/21, the Incentive Installment Program (PPI 2021) was created in order to authorize taxpayers to settle debts with the Municipality of São Paulo with reduction in fines, interest and attorney’s fees.

Taxpayers will be able to pay debits registered or not in the active debt, incurred up to 12/31/2020, regarding: (i) taxes, such as ISS (VAT tax), IPTU (property tax) and ITBI (inter-vivos property transfer tax); (ii) non-tax debts such as a posture fine; and (iii) ongoing installment balances. Debts related to contractual obligations, breaches of environmental legislation, balances of installments in progress managed by the Municipal Secretariat of Finance and “Simples Nacional” cannot be included.

The benefits vary according to the number of installments chosen to settle the debt (down payment or up to 120 monthly installments), and the subscription must be made on the PPI 2021 website, where the taxpayer can also simulate installments and check the benefits before confirming the subscription.

The subscription can be made until 10/29/2021 and implies the automatic withdrawal of defenses, appeals and administrative requirements that discuss the debt and lawsuits and motions to tax enforcement.